If you wish to see the biography from a member of the group - please click on his head. Here are other biographies of persons related to the group:
Audree Wilson
Blondie Chaplin
David Marks

Gary Usher
Murry Wilson
Ricky Fataar
Roger Christian
Van Dyke Parks

Being part of , The Flames were a South African soul-cover band from the sixties who were brought to the international music scene by the Beach Boys and later became much sought-after session musicians for Bonnie Raitt and the Rolling Stones.

The Flames were formed in Durban, South Africa in 1963. They were "discovered" by the Beach Boys in the United Kingdom in 1969. They made an album for the Beach Boys Brother label in 1970 entitled the Flame, the band's new name. Later Blondie and Ricky became full-time members of the Beach Boys for a time, contributing both writing, singing and playing to the albums So Tough, Holland and In Concert. The latter is especially recommended.

Blondie Chaplin sings and plays piano and bass on the Rolling Stones album, Bridges to Babylon.

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